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5 advantages of Thamuz as the strongest fighter in Mobile Legends

Thamuz is an off-liner hero who is widely featured in the top echelons, even in competitive scenes like MPL Season 5. Besides that damage he has big too durability Very large. Because the advantage of Thamuz is not only in defense but also Attacks.

According to Kincir and Cecepkocep, professional Thamuz players will usually appear violent since the early game, especially to annoy shooters. This hero was lazy after the red jungle monster got a massive buff. Without further ado, here are the Thamuz benefits that you should know before using it.

1. Explosion damage and high DPS

The advantages of Thamuz as the strongest fighter in Mobile Legends

The advantages of Thamuz as the strongest fighter in Mobile Legends

One of the factors that make Thamuz a very special fighter is his exceptional ability to attack. It can offer a very deadly combination of attacks. Combination between Burst damage and Damage per second what he gave was very painful.

Burst damage what he gave was from the first thamuz skill when he took his scythe. After that Basic attack then it does additional damage and can slow the enemy down. It doesn’t stop there, he will also release lava that will also give damage Very large.

You need to know that this skill 1 can also provide real harm which is continuous when the sickle rotates. This DPS effect comes not only from Skill 1, but also from the passive skill, as it gives the opponent a scorch effect. This effect provides additional Damage.

The ultimate skill can also be additional damage which is pretty high. Thamuz will also receive a very high HP regeneration.

2. Don’t use mana

Thamuz is one of the best bouncer heroes in Mobile Legends because he doesn’t use mana to develop his skills. You’re free to spam skills without worrying about running out of mana. Because their presence extends the cooldown of the hero ability.

Meanwhile, Thamuz has a very short skill cooldown, especially his first skill. You can use this spam again after taking the scythe with skill 2. This gives you more freedom to chase your opponent or run away.

3. High mobility

The advantages of Thamuz as the strongest fighter in Mobile Legends

The advantages of Thamuz as the strongest fighter in Mobile Legends

For a fighter hero, Thamuz has very agile and agile movements. First, there is a second skill that allows him to jump quickly. This ability is also very important for survival, especially to escape enemy pursuit.

His first skill can also provide extra movement speed when throwing his scythe. You can also combine it with the second skill so that skill 1 can be used twice.

4. Ultimate ability is very flexible

Thamzu’s ultimate skill can be additional Damage per second which is very painful and lasts a long time. Enemies in the vicinity of Thamuz are also hit physical harm.

Actually, this ability can not only give damage which is very high, but will also allow Thamuz to survive longer in team combat. Because he gains additional HP regeneration when this skill is active.

Hence, the enemy will think twice about approaching Thamuz while activating the ultimate. Actually, the damage done is not great, but the DPS effect is very annoying.

5. durability Very high

One of the qualities of a hunter who can be used as a half-armor is that they must have good crowd control skills in order to launch attacks. For example, Chou and Jawhead have crowd control skills which are very dangerous to launch attacks.

Even if Thamuz does not have this ability, he is very well worth being a half-armor like the two heroes. It has very good potential to be used as a tank. The reason is simple because he has high HP regeneration ability so it will be difficult for the enemy to kill him.

Another factor is delivery damage which is huge even in the early game. Of course, you can use this phase to get kills, to enrich Thamuz with items. So you are ready to fight in the late game.

These are the 5 Perks of Thamuz as the Strongest Fighter in Mobile Legends that you can use as a reference before using them. You need to know this as it will affect how you play Thamuz. You can even create your own Thamuz building blocks to suit your play style.