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10 Painful Hero Fighter Season 21 Mobile Legends

Mobile Legends Strongest Fighter Hero Chat Game
Mobile Legends Strongest Fighter Hero Chat Game

10 hero fighters hurt Mobile Legends season 21 – Fighter is one of the most flexible roles in Mobile Legends game because not only can the fighter become a damage dealer for the team but also has quite a strong defense, even the fighter can even be used as a tank or half tank when in combat.

The number of fighters released will of course give a lot of heroes to choose from, which we can use to assemble heroes on the team so that they have high compatibility both in combat and in combinations with other heroes.

Of course, among the many fighters in existence, there are those that are popularly used because they contain the meta-hero or buff that was just made for the hero. To make it easier for you to decide which hero to use, here is Hero 10 Strongest fighter Mobile Legends Season 21.

10 Strongest Battle Heroes in Mobile Legends Season 21

Use hero fighters who have high defense, life stealing and mobility skills. This is useful when doing ganking and team fighting. The fighter himself can be the initiator of the opening of the war or enter in the middle of entering the war, this will put the enemy under pressure.

Alpha Hero Fighter Sick Season 21
Alpha Hero Fighter Sick Season 21

01. Alpha

One of the latest updates at this point is the Seasoned Alpha Hero’s Buff, where Alpha in the update receives a buff in the form of damage attributes, reduced cooldowns, and overall, thanks to the buff that is given now, begins to be seen in the game again, Alpha can be called a hero who is often underrated, but in reality he has great abilities of high ability regeneration, True Damage, crowd control and a fairly short cool down ability.

In the current meta, Alpha is really strong as an Offlaner, that’s because of the skills it has, besides, Alpha is also very flexible in the use of builds and emblem sets, you can pair builds or emblems that can be countered by the opponent’s hero so that Alpha can dominate in a team fight.

Silvanna Hero Fighter Sick Season 21
Silvanna Hero Fighter Sick Season 21

02. Silvanna

In contrast to hero fighters in general, who like other hero fighters rely on physical attack as their basic attack, Silvanna is a hero fighter with magical damage. The magic damage done by this hero is quite painful of painful enemy defenses due to their passive ability that can reduce magic, even against hero tanks.

Silvanna is one of the heroes who possesses the Crowd Control skill which is very tedious and best of all right now, the resulting crowd control is not to be underestimated, especially her Ultimate Skill, with Silvanna’s skill set making this hero very strong at 1 vs 1 or when it comes to team fights.

Chou Hero Fighter Sick Season 21
Chou Hero Fighter Sick Season 21

03. Chou

Right now, Chou can be said to be the right choice for the Hero Fighter ranks, the ability to disable and lock it remains a mainstay in crippling enemy Heroes, not to mention Chou being a versatile fighter – Hero is who fills the void of existing roles hero can, however, be used as a core, tank, semi tank and even hero support.

His ability to hijack the enemy’s hero core will surely be very useful, especially for the current meta, his ability to damage the existing meta, which makes this hero very much feared in a team fight, so it’s no wonder this hero is also in great demand in the competitive field. .

Jawhead Hero Fighter Sick Season 21
Jawhead Hero Fighter Sick Season 21

04. jaw head

This robot, always ridden by a child not to be underestimated, has a capable attack and defense ability in terms of attributes and skill set Jawhead, it also has a very large burst damage and is supported by very strong armor and defense, so that it will be very difficult when dealing with this hero for 1 on 1.

Jawhead is a versatile hero, he can be positioned as an offlaner or as a support in a team, his ability to kidnap enemy heroes is not to be underestimated, we can see this in the competitive area of ​​Mobile Legends where the possibility of this is Kidnap heroes more reliable than the damage done.

Paquito Hero Fighter Sick Season 21
Paquito Hero Fighter Sick Season 21

05. Paquito

Paquito is one of the Ban Subscription Forbidden Heroes this season because that hero has a wide variety of skills that allow him to easily dominate on any lane he is guarding. This hero has great damage and crazy crowd control that is very difficult to master, thanks Paquito can lock the enemy freely in the tower and cut minions faster to turn on colleagues or achieve other goals that the opposing hero cannot achieve .

In this meta, Paquito is really overwhelmed, it can even be said that this hero doesn’t have the Absolute Counter of the existing heroes, so it’s only natural that Paquito should be so feared that Ban’s action will have to be taken if the draft pick takes place Place.

So these are some of the worst hero fighters we recommend in season 20. For the record, the heroes we mentioned are not heroes with IMBA status, but heroes who have a full skill set that can adapt to the current meta I don’t want to denigrate another fighter because basically the pilot or user is playing plays a big role in getting the maximum potential of the hero he uses.

Lapu-Lapu Hero Fighter Sick Season 21
Lapu-Lapu Hero Fighter Sick Season 21

06. Lapu Lapu

Lapu Lapu is one of the veteran heroes that attracts the attention of its users, this is due to his good performance in several tournaments organized by Mobile Legends, strong even when they face 1 against Everybody, like Evos Antimage at the MPLI. showed event some time ago.

All of this madness is not without reason, the huge damage and pretty heavy HP Rain make Lapu Lapu able to set it free, worse with his ultimate ability, he can easily target enemy damage dealers who are usually behind the defense, So don’t be surprised if Lapu Lapu is able to randomize the opponent’s defenses with just one jump, so it is quite natural that Lapu Lapu would be included in one of the Mobile Legends of Sick Hero Fighter Season 21.

Sun Hero Fighter Sick Season 21
Sun Hero Fighter Sick Season 21


The number of legacy heroes or veterans that will be improved / reworked in this patch makes the gameplay presented even more interesting. One of the Veteran Heroes to receive Buff / Revamp this season is Sun, Dinama Sun is now getting the desired skill that is coveted Every user, Yes Skill Blink or Skill Moving Places is now owned by this veteran hero.

Although he only has 1 additional skill, this of course has a big impact on Sun’s success rate in survival when exposed to a sudden attack by the opposing hero unit, but Sun is actually a very deadly fighter hero as the damage, rain and slow generated are very large , but too bad as this hero had no ability to escape before, so it was pretty easy to kill.

However, with the latest update patch, Sun is currently a very strong offlaner, a very valuable resource in both surviving early game and entering late game, so we think it is very natural for Sun to step into one of the sick Hero Fighter Season 21 Mobile Legends.

Phoveus Hero Fighter Sick Season 21
Phoveus Hero Fighter Sick Season 21

08. Phoveus

Talking about the mobile legends of Sick Hero Fighter Season 21, it seems invalid if Phoveus is not on the list of Mobile Legends players. .

The fear of this hero is not without reason, the skill set blessed by Phoveus is a counter skill of all heroes who prioritize the ability to escape as their main weapon, so it is no wonder that heroes like Wanwan, Lancelot, Benedetta become helpless when Phoveus as an opponent.

Phoveus has a fairly unique and passive ability that resets him near a hero performing his Dash cooldown, and Phoveus has an ultimatum that can make him a blinking hero instantly. This ability is a terrible ghost not just for assassins. of course for heroes who have a Thin HP who can use Flicker to save themselves instead of making Flicker a suicide weapon as it is in the range of Phoveus’ Ultimate Skill.

Bane Hero Fighter Sick Season 21
Bane Hero Fighter Sick Season 21


Had become a fighter hero that was ignored and underestimated by Mobile Legends gamers, but who would have thought that with just 1 update at this point, Bane’s hero has become one of the Sickest Hero Fighters in Season 20, the buff that is worn out is not great, just changes in the attributes that one possesses. In the past, Bane could only attack with a physical attack, now Bane can also cause magical damage.

His change as a hybrid fighter has proven to be very influential on his skills. Who would have thought that the damage done by Ultimate attacks and other ranged abilities is now more deadly, which now makes it capable of dealing great damage from great distances, even more so in team fights is an area that can kill the opponent’s hero who has thin HP with just one attack.

Roger Hero Fighter Sick Season 21
Roger Hero Fighter Sick Season 21

10. Roger

There is no doubt that Roger deserves to be included in the ranks of the strongest hero fighter in Mobile Legends Season 21, because after seeing the revamp a few moments ago, this hero is used so often. this hero is so brutally furious to eliminate his opponent.

In the right hands, Roger becomes a terrible monster, like Onic Sanz who managed to get KDA 14-016, even recently RRQ Albert has received the First Savage since the first MPL season 6 with Roger.

Roger is a very brutal hero, both through attack speed and damage generated, coupled with a fairly high mobility, which is why Roger is very often used as Hyper Crry in the current meta. Then it’s only natural that Roger would be called one of the strongest hero fighters in Mobile Legends in season 21.

Well that’s 10 Hero fighter injured Mobile Legends Season 21 that you can use to push the rank up this season. The hero mentioned is a hero who can help the team in various aspects without wanting to disparage other hero fighters, since basically the emergence of the over power ability of the hero used depends on the pilot or the user of the hero.

Of the heroes we mentioned, is there one hero who is your mainstay? or if you have any other recommended heroes let us know in the comments section.