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10 Most Painful Assassin Heroes Season 21 Mobile Legends

The sick hero-assassin in Mobile Legends
The sick hero-assassin in Mobile Legends

Top 10 Most Painful Assassin Heroes in Mobile Legends Season 21– Assassin is a role in Mobile Legends that is very important and can be mandatory on the team. A hero with this role can have a high level of difficulty compared to other hero roles, although it is quite difficult to use assassins who play an important role in leading the team to victory.

An assassin player must have the ability to move hands quickly and think intelligently and carefully, this is related to gameplay, how the player makes decisions and disrupts enemy movements. Hero Assassin himself is a very deadly hero and influences the gameplay. The slightest mistake can turn you into a feeder on the team. This is of course very important.

Usually assassins are responsible for secretly killing enemy Hero Carry as they have the ability to kill enemies quickly. In addition, Assassin plays an important role in ganking and roaming quickly to different lines, thus depressing and pressuring the enemy. Of the many Hero Assassins currently available, we recommend 10 heroes The sick assassin in Mobile Legends Season 21 for Push Rank this season.

10 Most Painful Assassin Heroes Season 21 Mobile Legends

If you are an assassin player, make sure the composition in the draft pick is such that the combo skills match the hero team. Assassin players need to be smart in their movements and make decisions when team fights occur. You have to enter with the right timing to paralyze the enemy.

Karina Hero Assassin Season 21
Karina Hero Assassin Season 21

01. Karina

Karina is actually a very deadly assassin heroine, even the damage she causes can kill a dead tank role hero very easily, but the meta inhabited by the agile assassin assassin Karina becomes the last priority for mobile legends -Being a player, this is evidenced by being Rarely Seen Karina in every Ranked and Classic match in Mobile Legends game.

But the assumption that Karina’s forgotten assassin hero could now be just a name, in the next update this time Karina has massively increased both in terms of her form and her skills, not only did Karina suffer additional damage now also resistance to all basic Opponent Attacks Thanks to skill 2, changing the ultimate skill also has a great impact on mobility and effectiveness in killing enemy hero units one after the other.

With all of Karina’s updates, it’s now a very rewarding option to consider, especially when filling the core position in Mid Lane when Assassin or other Hero Cores fall prey to the fierce tires of draft picks.

Hayabusa Hero Assassin Season 21
Hayabusa Hero Assassin Season 21

02. Hayabusa

Had a change from mana to energy, did not make Hayabusa weak immediately, this hero is one of the Assassin Heroes able to deal very high burst damage.

Hayabusa has a very agile movement due to his shadow skill, this skill can make it very difficult for the enemy to chase or lock that one hero.

With the right combination of items, Hayabusa will be very effective in killing enemies, especially those with thin HP like Hero Mage or Marksman, he is also a very strong hero when performing a 1 on 1 duel.

This hero really can’t be dealt with on your own as his ultimate skill is pretty sick where if he just attacks damage we can get without being able to attack back.

Selena's hero Assassin's Pain season 21
Selena’s hero Assassin’s Pain season 21

03. Selena

Selena is a hybrid heroine who has two roles at the same time, namely a magician and a murderer. This hero is famous for his deadly combo ability that does massive damage, especially in the early game.

Quite often this hero is targeted in the draft pick mode for Baned, Selena has two changes in form, accompanied by changes in skills, this ability makes it dynamic and difficult to predict his movements.

Selena’s abilities are related, so you need to understand the combination of abilities. Hence, this hero is very committed to continuing to spend the right combination of skills to deal great damage and can be the key to mastering the gameplay.

Aside from being used as an assassin, Selena is also very often used as a support in the current meta, as her level of function is so high it’s no wonder this heroine is always a bone of contention when draft pick is in progress .

Gusion Hero Assassin Sick Season 21
Gusion Hero Assassin Sick Season 21

04. Fusion

Gusion is currently the best Assassin Hero in Mobile Legends, the combination of agility and high burst damage makes him one of the strongest Mid-Laner Heroes who are highly regarded.

In addition, his ability to rotate should not be underestimated, even that is feared by the opponent’s Hero Core, in which Gusion can suddenly attack and kill her with just one combo.

With his ability to provide burst damage and abilities that allow him to move around easily, making this hero a very deadly assassin as well as a very difficult to deactivate hero-assassin, it’s no wonder that Gusion is in the ranks included is the sick hero-assassin in Mobile Legends season 21.

Lancelot Hero Assassin Season 21
Lancelot Hero Assassin Season 21

05. Lancelot

Lancelot’s presence when it was first released was very, very feared, he was also viewed as Over Power as the damage done was pretty inadequate, not to mention his mobility (movement) was very high, so it’s not wrong if this hero is really feared.

As it was considered to be too over power, this hero eventually experienced severe nerfs, which made this hero fall in popularity. However, in Season 16 yesterday, Lancelot received another makeover to his passive skill, which passive skill can deal increased damage when Lancelot charges with his skill.

For Lancelot users who are really good with their Skill Dash mechanics, they will benefit greatly due to the passive, making Lancelot the main hero on the team again.

Ling Hero Assassin Sick Season 21
Ling Hero Assassin Sick Season 21

06. Ling

Ling is a Hero Assassin with Burst Damage and Reap Specialty, which means Ling can kill his enemies very quickly. This hero’s ability to deal damage is quite unreasonable. Aside from being able to cause insane damage, this hero is also classified as a damage dealer that is very difficult to avoid.

It’s not enough to stop here, Ling not only does great damage, but is also a very agile hero, he can move very quickly, both when attacking and running away.

His skill’s unique ability to walk on walls, which makes it difficult for enemies to gank and intercept Ling’s movements, can also be used to push quickly. For all his skills, there is nothing wrong with this hero always being used as a support to help the team achieve victory.

Natalia Hero Assassin Season 21
Natalia Hero Assassin Season 21

07. Natalia

In Season 16, Natalia received a makeover to her ability where the given makeover can instantly make Natalia go away by just using her Ultimate Ability.

This unique ability is surely capable of increasing this Assassin Hero’s performance. What Natalia is so afraid of is that she can step into war or ganking very quickly without getting caught and easily getting out of the situation.

Natalia’s specialist is in doing ganking and instant kills quickly and quietly. This hero has a very fast rotation ability, besides being able to interrupt movements, Natalia is the best hero in terms of Open Map.

Suddenly disappearing from the view of the enemy is something no other assassin has in the Mobile Legends game, so it’s not surprising that Natalia is always a priority pick or ban in draft pick mode.

Saber Hero Assassin Sick Season 21
Saber Hero Assassin Sick Season 21

06. saber

This old hero-assassin is now coming back and appearing with increasingly violent abilities after receiving a skill revision and adjustment. The rework affects ability 1 and ability 1, ability 1 now spends 5 sword points and when the saber hits the topmost enemy shoots at the enemy, dealing enough attack damage to the enemy affected by the attack, combined with a reinforced base attack after Skill 2 has been used, the damage done by the saber can be much greater.

Although Saber’s skills are relatively simple, they are really very deadly, especially when exposed to thin HP heroes such as Assassins, Snipers, and Mages at this point, with all his skills, it’s no wonder that Saber is one of the 10 at this point Pain Assassin Heroes in Mobile Legends Season 21 is.

Benedetta Hero Assassin Season 21
Benedetta Hero Assassin Season 21


If you are a real fan of mobile legends who always watch the tournaments in existence, you should know full well that Benedetta is one of the deadliest assassins, in the hands of Maungzy (Ahmad) pro player from Alter Ego, Benedetta is really shown as a versatile heroine who can be positioned as an offlaner with high damage and exceptional surfing skills, that’s due to her very high mobility, which allows Mathilda to pay off even the HP offlaners who are hiding behind the tower.

Aside from being placed as an offlaner, Benedetta is also very deadly when used as an assassin, of course because that’s her role. When a war occurs, Mathilda will be very effective at dealing damage with her skill range, be it Skill 1 or Skill 2, and what makes Mathilda even more deadly is her ability to be immune to all attacks, including CC from any unit once only. This ability will be very useful for getting in and out of the combat area.

Mathilda Hero Assassin Season 21
Mathilda Hero Assassin Season 21

10. Mathilda

Though role-backing Mathilda is actually the deadliest assassin with a cute face, a simple combo makes this hero very popular at the start of the current season 21 of Mobile Legends, resulting in frequent bans that pick and choose on these newcomer heroes. Aiming Ban seems to be commonplace for those who are reluctant to face this hero or cannot use him.

Mathilda is a very deadly assassin behind her support role, a versatile heroine in combat where the user can easily solo kill or gank with colleagues, his skills or teamwork really compact to maximize Mathilda’s potential, for the whole is Mathilda very capable if she holds the title of Sick Hero Assassin in Mobile Legends Season 21 at this point.

Well that’s 10 Injured assassin hero Season 21, for those of you who play solo, we highly recommend using a hero with an assassin role on the condition that you really have to master him.